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Tooth Extraction

Row of wooden tooth shapes, one of which is being pulled out of the row by dental pliersWhile teens and adults get their teeth removed due to infection or decay, there are many other reasons to have a tooth extraction; for example, a crowded mouth or impacted tooth. Our dentist may recommend removing one tooth if you have braces to give space to the other teeth as they shift in place. When you visit our dental office at 253 Dental Care, our dentist will perform an examination to determine whether you need a tooth extraction or another treatment.

When Should You Have a Tooth Extraction?

In most cases, our dentist can repair a broken or damaged tooth with a dental filling or crown. Sometimes, however, you may have damage that is very severe, meaning extraction of the tooth may be recommended. Several things will call for a tooth extraction. If you have an infection or decay that has spread deep into the tooth or root of the tooth, an extraction may be a good option. Tooth damage due to injury or trauma and crowding may necessitate tooth removal.

Moreover, if baby teeth do not fall out within the desired time frame to allow the permanent teeth to erupt, tooth extraction may be necessary. People receiving orthodontic treatment may also need a tooth extraction. Third molars, also referred to as wisdom teeth, are often removed before or after erupting. An impacted tooth might also need removal to prevent complications in your bite.


During your first visit, our dentist will take an x-ray to examine the position and nature of damage to your teeth including the roots. This will help determine the type of extraction you will need. After the x-ray, the dentist will let you know whether you need a simple extraction or surgery. The extraction will depend on whether your teeth are visible or impacted.

During a simple extraction, you will receive local anesthesia. The anesthesia will help numb the area around the tooth and reduce pain during the procedure. Next, the dentist will use an elevator to loosen the teeth and later pull them.

Your teeth can also be extracted through surgery. Our team will administer local anesthesia and intravenous anesthesia. You may receive general anesthesia, depending on your overall health. For general anesthesia, you will remain unconscious throughout the procedure. A surgical extraction is intended for teeth that have broken off at the base or gum line or those that have not come in. Our oral surgeon makes a cut or a small incision into the gum and then removes the tooth.

Recovery Period

Tooth extraction recovery will take a few days. We will give you tips on how you can take care of the extraction wound after the procedure. After the therapy, use an ice pack on the cheek to help reduce swelling. Although you might experience some pain after the extraction, ensure you use the pain medication we prescribe you. Avoid using a straw for the next 24 hours. If you smoke, avoid smoking to speed up the healing time. During the night, use a pillow to prop your head up. You can continue brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing but avoid the extraction area. A day after the procedure, ensure you eat soft foods and reintroduce hard foods as you continue healing.

To have your damaged or impacted tooth removed, visit us at 253 Dental Care. Contact us at [(253) 765-0184 for an appointment with our dental team.
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253 Dental Care, 32114 1st Ave S, STE 200, Federal Way, WA 98003 \ (253) 765-0184 \ \ 9/6/2024 \ Related Phrases: dentist Federal Way WA \