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Dental Implant Placement
Dentist Federal Way, WA

3D rendering of a dental implant and its components (screw, abutment, and crown) being placed into the jaw.Most people lose their teeth due to infections, tooth decay, and injuries. For an extended period, the only treatment option for individuals with dental issues such as missing teeth was dentures and bridges. But today, you can visit us at 253 Dental Care for a dental implant. When you have missing teeth, dental implants can take their place. These permanent posts or metal screws are anchored to the jawbone to secure in place artificial teeth such as dental bridges or dentures, and dental crowns. Our dentist uses dental implants to replace a single tooth or several missing teeth. Implants provide a strong foundation for fixed or removable teeth that are developed to match your other teeth.

Who is a Candidate for Dental Implants?

In most cases, if you are healthy enough to undergo oral surgery or tooth extraction, you can qualify for a dental implant. To be a candidate, you should have a strong and sufficient jawbone and healthy gums to hold the implants. In addition, you need to commit to ensuring good oral hygiene and regular visits to our dental office. People who smoke and drink heavily and those with chronic diseases such as diabetes must be evaluated before the dental implant procedure. If you want to consider a dental implant, consult with our team to see if you qualify.

Dental Implant Procedure

Receiving dental implants takes several months because you need time for the gums and bones to heal. If you have a problem tooth, our dentist will first remove it. Oftentimes, you will receive a bone graft during the extraction to preserve the bone so that you have an adequate jawbone for safe future dental implantation.

During the implantation stage, our dentist will place the titanium screws, usually anchored to the jaw below the area where you have a missing tooth. Once the implants fuse with the jaw, which usually takes about three to six months, you will come back to our office for the placement of the permanent teeth or dentures. After anchoring the implants, our dentist will provide temporary teeth to help protect your mouth and assist in chewing as you wait for the permanent teeth. To ensure you are comfortable, the dentist applies anesthesia.


Once you receive a dental implant, during the first week, you will need to take antibiotics and over-the-counter pain medications to reduce soreness and pain. There may be some minimal pain following the implant surgery, but you can take care of that with pain medication. In addition, you will need to eat soft foods to prevent injuring the wound. You also have limits on exercises you do for almost a week after surgery. We will guide you through the proper oral hygiene to ensure the health of your teeth and gums and protect your artificial teeth. Just like regular teeth, dental implanted teeth need care such as brushing twice a day, flossing, and rinsing with mouthwash.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Dental implants look like your natural teeth. They fuse with your bone and become permanent, improving your appearance. Poorly fitted dentures will cause speech issues, but dental implants improve speech as they will avoid the slipping of the tooth. Additionally, dental implants improve your smile, leaving you feeling better. They are durable and with good care, they can last a lifetime. Dental implants are convenient - unlike dentures, implants do not need to be removed. Last but not least, dental implants function like your regular teeth, allowing you to eat any foods you like. They are also comfortable.

If you want more information about a dental implant, feel free to visit us at 253 Dental Care. Give us a call at (253) 765-0184 to schedule a consultation.
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Dental Implant | Dentist Federal Way, WA | 253 Dental Care
Dental implants provide a strong foundation for fixed or removable teeth that are developed to match your other teeth. Give us a call at 253 Dental Care today!
253 Dental Care, 32114 1st Ave S, STE 200, Federal Way, WA 98003 • (253) 765-0184 • • 9/9/2024 • Page Terms:dentist Federal Way WA •