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My Toddler Knocked a Tooth Out. Should I Call Our Dentist?

Posted on 7/15/2024 by 253 Dental Care
Photo of emergency sign at 253 Dental Care in Federal Way, WAToddlers are notoriously accident-prone. How many stories have you heard as a parent about a toddler climbing a bookcase in 20 seconds or running into a wall? While you are remembering all of the craziness that comes with raising a toddler, you need to think about the difference between a simple at-home issue and a true dental emergency. Here are some tips for caring for teeth after an accident.

Tooth Avulsion

Tooth avulsion is a complicated term for what occurs when your toddler knocks out a tooth. Some parents believe that if a baby tooth gets knocked out, it is not that big of a deal. However, tooth avulsions are a dental emergency for several reasons. Usually, when a toddler knocks a tooth out, it comes out in pieces rather than in one whole piece. All of the broken tooth pieces need to be removed, or there will be an increased risk of infection.

Also, a dentist will need to check the area around the tooth to make sure there is no other trauma. For example, trauma in the mouth may cause damage to surrounding bone and tissue.

What to Do After an Accident

If your toddler knocks out their tooth, there are steps you can follow. First, see if you can find the tooth. If you can find the tooth and it is intact, do not put it back in their mouth, as a toddler may choke on the tooth. Instead, place the tooth in a small glass of milk and take it with you to the dentist. Also, check the mouth for any issues a tooth avulsion can cause, such as blood and swelling. You can give your toddler ice in a washcloth to hold against their cheek or to suck on on the way to the dentist. Call our dentist ahead of time to let our office know you have an emergency so your toddler can be seen as soon as possible.

If you have questions about caring for toddler teeth, we can help. Reach out to our office today to make an appointment.
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253 Dental Care, 32114 1st Ave S, STE 200, Federal Way, WA 98003 • (253) 838-9333 • • 2/14/2025 • Key Phrases: dentist Federal Way WA •